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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Prepare yourself for violence!

So tonights blog is inspired by a talk I received today from one of the senior ranking officers on our team.

The content of the talk sort of stuck with me today and I wanted to share this quick note with my friends and also preserve the feeling I have in this forum for later reflection....hopefully in happier times in about a year.

The officer speaking to us told the four of us that we were "Rattle Proof" as aviators and he expected us to leverage our ability to stay calm under pressure.  He also told us that life in the infantry was simple and soldiers usually just need to know their "task" and "purpose" and they will comply.  Pretty simple stuff I thought.  He also told us that as aviators we could expect to be seen as the resident experts on any army aviation platform....again I saw that as pretty reasonable.  His final words below struck a chord with me and gave me a chill.  I want to share these with you to help you gain perspective of what the real warriors out in the remote corners of the battlefield live with and how they think versus how most of my intel and aviator friends see the world from bases like Balad in Iraq and Bagram in Afghanistan.

Directives from one team chief.

1.  Prepare yourself for violence; you must be ready everyday to confront catastrophe.  Harden yourself.
2.  Be able to kill with your weapon under stress without hesitation.
3.  Know where to get help.
4.  Know how to save your life and your buddy's life.
5.  Focus your physical fitness plan on combat related tasks that challenge your personal resolve.

On that note.  Have a great night.



  1. Its scary but true. I hope you're being safe Steven, all of us miss you. Please take care of yourself, and we are all so proud of you with the Golden Knights!!

  2. wow...that is heavy, but practical. Continuing to pray for your safety and that the time will fly! (yes...I know, pilot and fly...kinda corny, but oh well) :)
